About TrafficSentry
TrafficSentry was founded by a small group of advertising
software developers and online marketing professionals. Cutting edge
software was originally developed for proprietary use only, but is now
being ported to web based applications for use by any online marketer
or advertiser.
Spotting the increasing problems with campaign ROI and rapidly growing
numbers of PPC, keyword, and search advertisers, TrafficSentry came
into existence with a mission to develop effective solutions for
measuring return on internet advertising campaigns, and empowering the
advertiser or agency with data and tools to increasing campaign
performance and reduce or eliminate unnecessary spending on
Introducing ClickHawk™
TrafficSentry's first product, ClickHawk™,
is a web based application designed to detect
click fraud and other undesirable
traffic referred through PPC advertising or any internet advertising
campaign or affiliate program.
Through knowledge gained from their long term work for leading
internet advertisers and agencies, and extensive experience their own
marketing campaigns, the TrafficSentry team has concluded that the
combination of click fraud and non-human click traffic is not only
becoming one of the largest factors impacting campaign performance,
but also one of the most understated and unrealized problems among
online advertisers.
ClickHawk addresses this problem by auditing the incoming traffic from
the advertiser's campaigns in real-time, and presenting the data to
the advertiser that the search engines and networks do not provide.
More information on ClickHawk™...
Coming Soon...
The next product to be released by TrafficSentry will be a
comprehensive ROI tracking tool. Currently in development, this
product will be offered as an add-on to ClickHawk for existing
ClickHawk users, or as a stand-alone application for ad campaign
monitoring, comparison, and optimization.
Click Fraud
Articles |
External |
Click fraud: a new kind of online fraud
Computer Crime Research - May,
2006 |
How Click Fraud Could Swallow the Internet
Wired Magazine - Jan, 2006 |
Fraud - Our Research
Marketing Experiments - June,
2006 |
Understanding Click Fraud
Monster Small Business - April,
2006 |
In Game of Click and Mouse, Advertisers Come Up Empty
Washington Post
- March, 2006 |
Click fraud is growing concern
IDG News Service - October, 2005 |
Exposing Click Fraud
CNET, News.com - July, 2004 |
Click Fraud: Is It Happening to You?
Pierre Zarokian, everSoft,
- Feb 2004 |
On this site |
PPC Click Fraud |